
August 14, 2017

Strange Bedfellows 5

"The only thing is, she won't go out with me alone, you know...?"


"No, what?"


"No what, Corey? Who the fuck asked you anything? I didn't even ask you anything. At least hear what I have to say...."

"All right. What?"

"Okay, what.... She don't want to go out with a child star alone. 
She's prejudiced against child stars. Do you believe that? In this day and age? What the fuck is the world coming to? I can't believe this...prejudiced against child--a Jew broad--prejudiced against child stars. Anyway.... She won't go out with me alone unless her girlfriend comes with her. So I figured you could come along and go out with her girlfriend."

"See? I knew it! I knew it. I knew it. I knew it." 

"You knew what, Corey? See what? What the fuck is wrong with that?" 

"When is this?"

"Tomorrow night."

"I can't tomorrow night. I gotta meet Michael Jackson."

"You could meet M.J. You could fucking come early and then still go."

"Corey... Corey.... Why do you always do this to me?"

"Don't give me that fucking "Corey" shit. 
What the fuck I asked you for, Corey? I asked you for a favor. I do a lot of fucking favors for you, don't I? I'm trying to bang this fucking broad! You wanna help me out?"

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