
August 15, 2017

On Location 1

"Fuckin' Lancaster is sittin' in his trailer because it's too hot. You believe that shit, Woody...? Too hot for Jim Thorpe All American."

"Hehe. I forgot he played him. You should be nicer to Burt, though. Director loves him."

"Those PFCs stick together. Hey, how long's it been since we worked together, Woody?"

"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence."

"Liberty fuckin' Valence. Jesus. It's been too long, my friend." 

"Glad to see you too. For a minute I thought I'd have to bunk with Jack Palance."

"Ugh. Palance! You know that asshole voted for Goldwater?"


"Yeah, right now the Goldwater supporter is in the makeup tent gettin' made up to look like a Mexican."

"I wrestled a guy back in '52 looked just like Palance. He bit Bobo Brazil on the ass."

"Haha! Sounds like Palance. Ah shit.... You're just about the best friend I have, Woody."

"Love ya, Lee."

"Love you too, pal.... Love you too."

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