
August 25, 2017

Mammal 2 Mammal

"It's funny you say that, cause we should be in a band, you know? But, to be honest, we didn't plan to wear the same color today..."

"Bubbles dresses himself."

"Course I do. This shirt is imported Italian nylon, and it's a special-edition, limited silk print. And red. Obviously. Last I heard Michael was gonna wear black--"

"Let it go, Bubbles."

"Sure.... It's not like I'm trying to get people to take me seriously--to stop thinking of me as an extension of you--an accessory."

"I didn't know you were gonna wear red."

"You know everything that happens at Neverland!"

"Can we just--"


"Please stop talking for just a minute. None of these shots are useable..."

"Fine. Not gonna move a muscle..."

"You can smile at least."

"Nope. Not a muscle."

"But these are for our Christmas card."

"Merry fuckin' Christmas."

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