
August 21, 2017

Strange Bedfellows 8

"I need to speak to everyone in Manowar. All four of you... It says here, 'He was met at the gates of Hades by the guardian of the lost souls--' So this is referring to the Bible verse...? In Matthew...?"

"Um... I guess."

"Well, is it or isn't it, Joey?"

"Yeah, I mean, it is."

"Then there is not someone guarding the gates. For they are metaphorical gates. You see, Peter is the rock upon which--"

"Orson, can we just run it again--"

"I can't read it until I understand what you mean."


"No one is guarding these gates. Why would they? Wouldn't the devil want you to enter easily?"


"Moreover, down here it says, 'woeful tears of the unavenged.' Doesn't it go without saying that tears are woeful...? They're tears."

"We could say sad tears...."

"That's worse! That's just idiotic. Who is speaking now?"

"I'm Donnie--"

"Which one of you is Ross the Boss? There's too many bosses around here!"

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