
August 28, 2017

Mammal 2 Mammal

"Fred MacMurray, Artie Shaw, Robert Taylor... Farley fuckin' Granger!"

"She is who she is, Frank."

"Ava just will not stay faithful to me, Snuffy."

"Faithful? Come on, Frank. Aren't you still married?"

"Not really, kiddo. Ava forced me to ask Nancy for a divorce. She even came to my house and rang the bell to make Nancy confirm it."

"That's insane--"

"Oh, she's a cuckoo chick all right. But what can I do? I just got dropped by both Columbia and MCA. Ava's the big bread winner--"

"Speaking of which, it's your bet, Frank...."

"Have you even been listening?"

"I heard the whole thing. Your bet."

"Man's best friend, my ass. Come on, Snuffy... The least you could do is offer some advice."

"Beware the beast Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed...."

"I'm all-in."

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