
August 31, 2017

On Location 6

"What're them assholes marchin' for now?"

"It's an anti-gay rally, Jim."

"Dagnabbit, Don. Just yesterday they's marchin' against immigrants. Time for that it was Black people. Now they's marchin' against me...?

"They're marching against everybody; just give 'em time." 

"Signs all got misspellins... all they contractions is mixed up--"

"Oh, they're ignorant as hell, Jim. It goes with the hatred. What they really are is cowards."

"Those who lack the courage will always find a philosophy to justify it."

"Pithy and true!"

"If ya think about it, I guess our show could be doin' more for integration--"

"I'm always sayin' that to Andy! How the hell did you make A Face In The Crowd, and there's only one type of person living in this fake town?"

"Don, the only way to deal with an unfree world is to live so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion."

"You're gosh-darn right! Meanwhile these bastards are free to march right past our set. Tell you what...these fellas are goin' straight to hell."

"Hell is a special favor, which honors those who persistently harass it...."

"What the hell, Jim...?"

"I been readin' a shit-ton of Camus."

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