
November 9, 2018

Besties 2

"I tried to get Leonard on Hooker, but he said no."

"I said maybe, Bill."

"Leonard's maybes are other people's noes."

"We're here to plug the movie, Bill."

"Why did you mention plugs? Is that a crack on my hair? This is a weave, Leonard."

"Ha! No, Bill. Tell them about the sequel, Final Frontier."

"I directed. So I'll get the blame. But I want to remind you all about the writer's strike last year. The script was not where I wanted it--"


"Not to mention that the budget was over twenty million less than the first film's--"


"Just a minute, Leonard. Finally there's a lot of comedy in the film, but it's not played for laughs. It's social commentary--"

"Jesus, Bill, we all know the film sucks, but give it a chance..."

"I knew you hated it!"

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