
November 11, 2018

On Location 7

"Well, we were at Shepperton for a sequence on the docks, but we're here at Elstree starting today."

"And what are you boys up to?"

"It's a period piece, Mr. Nicholson."

"Petticoats and britches, eh, James? Are you journeying to the center of the Earth again?"

"No, it's a rollicking mystery set in Victorian London."

"Hey, we've all gotta pay the bills. Nothing wrong with a little prostitution, artistically speaking. This here's a spook film I'm working on--"

"No, no, it's actually a brilliant script. It pits Sherlock Holmes against Jack the Ripper."

"Your voice is perfect for Holmes, James."

"Point of fact, I play Doctor Watson."

"That sounds fine to me. Everybody wants to play quarterback, but there's no shame in carrying the water. Am I right?"

"I say--"

"Your father's a terribly talented man. I don't know what crap he's making now, but have you girls seen Lolita...?"

"We're leaving, children."

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