
May 23, 2011

OKC: blue shirts are not OK

Hey, Oklahoma City Thunder, you should fire whichever nimrod in the front office decided to make up free shirts for the crowd in that deep rich blue color. Dallas has visiting uniforms in the exact same deep rich blue color. Your home uniforms on the other hand are white with minimal blue trim. Basically, you're making Dallas feel very much at home. Dillholes.

In general, I hate this hometown crowd monochrome trend. The Heat do this too, with white shirt givaways. The idea I suppose is to visually disorient or overwhelm the visiting team? Not when you create what is basically a wall of color that destroys any optical distractions. Give me the 84 Celtics fans with beer guts and grammatically faulty placards waving their beer-soaked arms behind the backboard while the Lakers took free throws. That's a friggin' distraction!