
July 8, 2010

Dig? DIG!

Watched this film today. It's pretty damned entertaining--in a "Faces of Death" way. All the Dandy Warhols members who don't have breasts are boring to watch. But the BJM's Anton Newcombe's heroin & schizo-addled behavior totally gives one the feeling of what it must have been like to be a fly on the wall for the emotional/mental breakdowns of Skip Spence, Roky Erikson, Sky Saxon and other musically visionary drug casualties. In closing, I would never give Anton Newcombe holier-than-thou advice on his druggie lifestyle. However I would advise Anton to move out of the state that made three-strike laws famous.

July 7, 2010

Bootleg Video: The Who live at Tanglewood (7/7/70)

I'm watching my old bootleg video of The Who live at Tanglewood (7/7/70). Hard to believe that concert that went down exactly 40 years ago today. Live at Leeds was that May and Isle of Wight was that August, so at this in between point the band were in top form. From the opening Heaven and Hell to the finale My Generation, they're explosive.